Wednesday, August 16, 2006

In the news: Talking to your doc

Interesting little piece in the NYT about doctor-patient communication, with some good suggestions. The best one, I think, comes last. Snip:
Doctors don't like confrontation any more than patients do; they may give in to a patient's request if it is made in an assertive manner. In a study under review for publication, Dr. Bylund found that patients who persistently asked for a specific treatment or test, based on Internet research, were more likely to get it than patients who came in with a vague list of symptoms, or who were more deferential to the doctor.

But be careful, she warned. Anyone who treats a doctor as a dispensary instead of a trusted medical guide loses the advantages of the physician's experience. Negotiating to win, in this case, may get you what you want, but not what you need.


1 comment:

Jaime said...

I found this very interesting! I think sometimes people forget that doctors are ONLY human after all (sometimes even the doctors forget this,lol) and so if you are clear with them about what IS going on they can better help you out. When dealing with such an unpredictable illness as MS and one that has symptoms so similar to many other is not easy for them to do their job if we as the patient are vague.

Having said is equally important to remember that they do have experience in this area and no matter how prepared you are (list of symptoms, research off internet, etc.) you might not like what they have to say. Nothing is perfect...we are all only human and hopefully all doing the best we can with these situations!